Friday, February 8, 2013

The movie industry is dying!?

Well we all know there are some great movies in the past, but what about the present, or even in the future? There are many movies that we can justifiably say are horrible, and many of them happen to be recent from the last couple of years. The creativity level just completely dropped.
First of all, who believed remakes are even possible. There are maybe a couple that are pretty good, but the rest sucked. There is no okay, or it was alright, they just flat out sucked. From these titles are movies that should never have been touched: Clash of the Titans, Total Recall, and Red Dawn. These titles are the movies I grew up with, cheesy yes, but they will always be the best. The remakes destroyed them! Clash of the Titans sucked, the story was destroyed, the acting was okay, but just that originality it had just left me. Total Recall was awesome, now it's not. I just saw the original Red Dawn, there wasn't much of a storyline to it, but then they tried to write a story for it in the remake, bad idea. The moment the trailer came out, I could already anticipate the ending.
Then they tried to recreate foreign movies, what? Japan has cheesy movies, but that doesn't mean we should take their ideas and make a movie out of it. But Japan isn't the only place were movie ideas were stolen. In Spain, there was a movie called REC that came out, suddenly a year later, Quarantine comes out. Quarantine was neat, but all it really had was jump scares. There wasn't anything really scary about it. Another title you might be familiar with, The Uninvited. Heard of A Tale of Two Sisters? Exactly, a Korean movie I actually enjoyed. The Uninvited  was alright but nowhere near A Tale of Two Sisters.
Now we come to video game and novel adaptions. Novel adaptions actually come out nice, not original, but still entertaining. Though I hate hearing all the whining towards a movie because "the movie must be exactly like the book." I think a movie alone should be able to be stand on it's own. Video game adaptations... um... yeah... no... just no. Video games need to stay video games. Good example Resident Evil, I enjoyed the first one and then, they kept going... Another good one is Silent Hill, once again the first one was awesome, but they killed it. There is another movie that actually did not hit theaters, Tekken! Wow, Tekken was terrible! Good thing the movie didn't come out in theaters.
Movies have become really sad and even future movies are just so disappointing. Why is Zack Snyder directing Man of Steel? Why is there an actor that no one knows about playing Superman? Why is Man of Steel a remake? If you don't know Zack Snyder here are a few movies he worked on: Sucker Punch, Dawn of the Dead remake, 300, Watchmen, etc. The only things these have in common is they are visually spectacular and they sucked. The movie industry is dying, what more can I say? Maybe there should be a new generation of film makers that can outlive this present generation.